My Favorite Bouquet (correct version)
My Favorite Bouquet Buy me no roses, I begged him. Spare me the sight of their bloom. They wither and die, and depress such as I, but I do so adore their perfume! Two things – a vial of rose essence,...
View ArticleMY MAN (the texture of his soul)
MY MAN (the texture of his soul) Jagged thorny corners where nuns did a number on him Nearby, a fountain that weeps salt for this father, gone too soon On one side, blown glass Cool to the touch,...
View ArticleMarian, Merlin, and Me
Friends, this is the time of year when the pastor and his wife are very, very busy, so I will be taking a break between now and around New Year’s Day. But I had to post this poem at Real Toads’ Open...
View ArticlePrelude to a Kiss
Prelude to a Kiss First time I saw him, I had that feeling. We would either be friends forever… or we would be, forever. Eyes so warm and chocolate brown, that stubble after a day of fighting The Man...
View ArticleMoustache Man (a rhapsody)
Moustache Man Your moustache tickles me You tickled me from the start The enchanting, spirited glow that dissipated sad old shadows You were a daddy when one was really needed… more than a stepdad, a...
View ArticleOf Love and More
Of Love and More First love lost; ‘twas not worth keeping (or it’s cheap red wine a-speaking) Then came city boys who gave me lessons: How To Misbehave (Married, briefly Much grief, chiefly) Then I...
View ArticleI Beg Your Pardon… really
I Beg Your Pardon… really For my sisters, who have had to put up with my leftie ranting and defense of my gender-queer daughter… I beg your pardon For my daughter, who had to endure a childhood with a...
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